サイズ: 290 x 90mm
蛇腹折り(44折) | アクリルハードカバー | 箱入
初版500部 | サインあり
2017年12月発行、Jiazazhi Press
Koan(公案) とは、言葉が立ち上がってくる前の領域を切り開く可能性のことを指します。人間である私たちの現実は記号的な出来事の繰り返しに基づいていて、私たちの思考や知恵が持つすべての可能性は、その繋がりを物語ることで失うもしくは制限されるのではないでしょうか。非物質的なモノとしてのビジョンだけが「純粋さ」に近くことができるのかもしれません。それゆえに、私の哲学的なアプローチである写真を通して、記号化される前の精神的な意識や直感を呼び起こすために単純化や抽象化することによって物事の表面下を探ろうと思います。
陈萧伊/Xiaoyi Chen(シャオイ・チェン)は1992年中国四川省生まれ。2014年ロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・コミュニケーションで写真にて修士号を取得。現在、成都を拠点に活動。
2015年、三影堂写真賞(中国)を受賞。2017年には雑誌「Forbes」にて注目すべき30才以下のアジア人アーティストの一人としても選ばれた。Format International Photography Festival、Kassel Photobook Festival, Athens Photo Festivalなどでの展示や、「China 8」展(ドイツ)への参加。2016年にはPhoto Shanghai や Paris Asian Art Fair、2017年にはLondon Art Fairといったフェアにも参加している。
photography by Chen Xiaoyi(陈萧伊)
Size: 260mm*90mm
Traditional Chinese binding, 44 folds
Acrylic Hardcover housed in a paper box
First Edition: 500
Published in Dec. 2017, by Jiazazhi Press
Koan is the possibility to open up the territory of pre-verbal.
As human beings, our reality based on symbolic matrix, so all possibility of our thoughts and wisdom be covered and limited by signifying chain. Only vision as a product of the non-material is closer to a concept of purity, so through photography as my own philosophical approach, I try to explore beneath the surface of things by simplification and abstraction to awaken spiritual awareness and intuition before the symbolic. As Eastern philosophies, Tao and Zen always advise people to stay absolutely quiet and purify thought processes. In order to achieve this goal, our attention should focus on the most basic form of the universe’s existence. In Zen Buddhism, Koan is a story or riddle used to help in the attainment of a state of spontaneous reaction, free from planning and analytical thought. In contradiction to Western philosophy, Koan’s emphasize the inadequacy of language and words, and the importance of intuition over reason and logic, to transform the self.
I named the series as “Koan”, and selected abstract landscape photographs to do photo-etching process; the results of this craft are poetic and full of imaginations. Also only uses black ink and print on different Japanese papers, the color is deriving from the atmosphere of desolation and melancholy and the expression of minimalism in ancient Chinese poetry and monochromatic ink painting.
About the Author
Xiaoyi Chen was born in Sichuan, China in 1992, she received an MA Photography from London College of Communication in 2014, currently lives and works in Chengdu. Chen’s practice is tied to a natural, oriental aesthetic, influenced by Western abstract art and oriental philosophy. Her recent work focuses on the combination of photography and printmaking, a combination of techniques used to explore beneath the surface of things by simplifying and abstracting; an approach aimed at reviving spiritual awareness and intuition before entering the symbolic nature of what we view.
Xiaoyi Chen has exhibited internationally; she was awarded the Three Shadows Photography Award in 2015, China’s most prestigious photography prize, and named one of Asia’s 30 Artist under 30 by Forbes magazine 2017. Her recent awards and exhibitions include the participation in the Format International Photography Festival, Kassel Photobook Festival, Athens Photo Festival (Benaki Museum) and the group show China 8 at Museum Folkwang (Essen, Germany). Recent Art Fairs, include Photo Shanghai and Paris Asian Art Fair in 2016, solo project in London Art Fair 2017.