2019年:Jiazazhi Press発行
About the book
本作「Combing for Ice and Jade」は著者の香港人写真家カート・トンによる彼の乳母に対するラブレターです。トンの乳母は"自梳女"という、多大な代償を払いながらも自身の権利を得るフェミニズムの初期の形態でもあった立場を貫いた女性でした。
*自梳女... 一生独身を通すと宣言した女性のことです。19世紀の後半~20世紀はじめに、順徳や南海といった特に中国南部で盛んだった風習。未婚の女性は髪を長くしてお下げに結び、結婚前に結いあげたが、自梳女は自分で髪を結いあげた。『梳』(シュ)は梳くというほかに、髪を結うという意味もある。
写真家のキャリアのはじめは、ドキュメンタリーやフォトジャーナリズムに携わっていた。徐々に自身の家族の歴史に注目し、祖父や両親、乳母といった家族の個人の歴史にフォーカスした作品作りを始めた。「Combing for Ice and Jade」は2017年連州写真祭(中国)でPunctum Awardを受賞、2018年にアルル国際写真祭でPhoto Folio Awardを受賞した。
Combing for Ice and Jade is a love note from Kurt Tong to his nanny, who was one of the last remaining ‘self combed’ women left in China. An early form of Feminism, the comb up ceremony granted women great autonomy at a great cost.
Kurt Tong has worked closely with his nanny over a period of nearly 7 years. Having only 8 photographs of herself, the book is an exploration of her extraordinary life. Her story is slowly revealed through the book, combined with Kurt’s family archive, found photographs from her extended families, new photographs, Chinese ink works and women’s magazines from China that spanned 6 decades.
Artist Info
Born in Hong Kong in 1977, Kurt Tong left to UK when he was 13 years old. Currently he bases in Hong Kong. In his early career as a photographer, he was good at taking documentary and photojournalism. Gradually, he turns attention to his own family history. His work concentrates on individuals, like his grandfather, his parents and his nanny. Combing for Ice and Jade won Punctum Award in Lianzhou Foto in 2017 and Photo Folio Award in Les Rencontres d’Arles in 2018.