Borderless by Wang Yishu(王轶庶)
サイズ: 216 x 276mm
104ページ | 布装上製本
2018年4月発行 (Jiazazhi Press)
本書は、中国人写真家Wang Yishu(ワン・イシュー)の2016年から2017年にかけて撮影された作品群だ。ワンの初期作品とは大きく違い、彼の作品のインスピレーションは人物から物質へ、また複雑さを持ち合わせていたものから明快に気持ちの良いものへと変わっていった。本書に収載された近作は、この変化がとても明確に出ており、より力強い印象を与えている。
Wang Yishu(ワン・イシュー)は、中国北西部の甘粛省に70年代に生まれ、東北部の遼寧省錦州市で育った。西北師範大学で中国文学を学ぶ。現在は中国東部の浙江省と上海を活動の拠点にしている。
size: 216 x 276mm
104pages | cloth-bound hardcover
first edition of 800 copies
published by Jiazazhi Press (April 2018)
About the book
This book select Wang Yishu’s latest works from 2016-2017. Different from his early works, Wang’s source of inspirations shifts from human beings to objects, from complexity to delightfulness. More of his new works accumulate and reinforce these transitions into an intense impression. These photographs resemble the cavities on the surface of reality, which is filled with the look of the actual world that is rather independent. In those new photographs, Wang Yishu no longer constructs complex metaphors, instead, a sudden enlightenment towards light, color and shadow. In some settings or moments, Wang uses strobe lights to sculpt or dissect the lighting environment of the space. He produces shadows to disturb the world in the photographs. (written by Zhang Jungang)
About the artist
Wang Yishu, born in the 70s of the last century in Ganshu, grew up in Jinzhou, Liaoning. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Northwest Normal University. Now he works and lives in Zhejiang and Shanghai. Some of his works were collected in San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.