150 x 225mm | 352頁 | ソフトカバー
写真図版187枚 & ポスター1枚
White Night(白夜)とGood Nightの間に色の違いはあっても、そこにはフェン・リのこの世界の見方があります。彼はこれらの写真を、伝統的な意味でのモノクロではなく、モノクロームと定義しています。彼の目には、黒は単なる黒ではありません。彼にとって、この本書『Good Night』は古き良き時代との決別、別れなのです。
About book
In 2017, when we made photobook White Night for Feng Li for the first time, he brought plenty of photographs to our studio. We were immediately shocked by his color photos. As a result, the black-and-white photos were put aside at that time. But he told us that the black-and-white was the starting point of White Night. From then on, the sense of “white night” comes to be his muse. “This is the way of the world, and it is a state of uncertainty”, he says. From that moment, he always maintains an instinctive viewing and a direct way to shoot.
Despite the difference in color between White Night and Good Night, there is still Feng Li’s way of seeing this world. He defines these photos are monochromatic instead of black-and-white in the traditional sense. In his eyes, black is more than just black. To him, this book is a farewell, farewell to the good old times.
by Jiazazhi