210x270mm / 264ページ / ハードカバー
L. Library project刊(Jiazazhi取り扱い)
滞在していた終盤には、アナヤでデジタル音楽フェスティバルや演劇祭が重なり、フェン・リにとって格別に刺激的な3週間を過ごした。 ほとんどの場所で、激しく、繊細な創作活動を続ける彼の姿を見ることができたのだ。 まるで狂喜乱舞しているようだったとフェン・リは語った。レジデンスを終えて間もなく、400枚以上の写真を出版社ロンリー・ライブラリー側に送られた。それらの写真は、わずか3週間で撮影されたとは思えないほどの強いものだった。写真から伝わってくる強度や密度は非常に高いものだったのだ。その後、70枚以上の写真を選び、ウェブサイトに公開されたがフェン・リの気持ちや写真の強さを伝えるには十分とは言えなかった。 これらの写真をまとめたのが本書となる。
Feng Li is a frequent resident around the world. In May of 2021, he participated in his first residency program in mainland China. The end of that month coincided with the Anaya Electric Music Festival as well as the theater festival, and Feng Li spent an exceptionally exciting three weeks. You could see him in almost every corner of the park keeping up his intense and sensitive creative work. It was like he was in a frenzy. Shortly after completing his residency, Feng Li sent the publisher over 400 pictures. I was shocked. You can't imagine that these pictures were taken in just three weeks. The intensity and density conveyed by the photos were very high. Later, we selected more than 70 photos to post on the website.But the presentation of this set of photos on website was far from enough to convey Feng Li's feelings. Now, we have made a book of these photos, hoping that readers can have a more intuitive and comprehensive feeling of Feng Li's photography through this book.