215×135 mm | 352頁 | ハードカバー
横浜トリエンナーレや東京都写真美術館など日本でも作品を発表してきた、アーティスト陳哲(CHEN Zhe/チェン・ズ)初のインタビュー集『Pick Your Poison』。
また、『Pick Your Poison』の刊行とともに、長らく売り切れとなっていた作品集『Bees & The Bearable』も再版となりました。『Bees & The Bearable』を深掘りしていくためにも『Pick Your Poison』は重要な1冊となっています。
『Pick Your Poison』のタイトルは、11世紀ペルシアの詩人ウマル・ハイヤームの四行詩集『ルバイヤート(Rubáiyát)』から着想を得ています。その一節に「生きている間に/飲め!−− 一度死んだら二度と戻れないのだから」とあります。執拗に人生を使い果たすという意味です。
We are excited to announce the coming of the 3rd printing of Bees & The Bearable by artist Chen Zhe, along with Pick Your Poison, her first collection of interviews. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the completion of Bees & The Bearable, Pick Your Poison highlights 8 in-depth dialogues between Chen Zhe and her peers spanning from 2011 to 2022, with a special feature of the artist’s latest correspondence with her long-time friend, writer and filmmaker, Ag. The one-on-one conversation has been crucial throughout the 15 years of Chen Zhe’s practice. By presenting these two books that echo her persistent method of creating, we invite you to revisit both the artwork and the back stage, and to discover the artist’s labor and process that is at the same time painstaking and fulfilling.
The title of Pick Your Poison is inspired by Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám: "While you live/Drink! — for, once dead, you never shall return." It means relentlessly exhausting life. Editing this collection of dialogues with writers, critics, scholars and designers, artist Chen Zhe re-examines her artistic experience from the last decade, frequently calibrated: between unconscious seeing and conscious blindness, between completed artworks and forthcoming projects, and between a roaming self and an unchanging self. "After all, the life of a creation needs to be judged by time, but the life of an artist is his/her own responsibility: a daily practice as natural as breathing, a career path leading to one challenge after another, or a sensuous expression of the most intimate emotions" — these constitute most of the artist's life.