「The Most Beautiful Norwegian Books 2024」受賞
Limited edition of 300
「Lens and Landscape」は、COVID-19の大流行により物理的に協力することができなくなった、世界の反対側に住む2人の写真家を結びつけた、地理的な境界を越えた一対の写真集です。
ノルウェーの写真家Tonje Bøe Birkeland(トニエ・ボーエ・ビルケラン)と上海を拠点とする中国の写真家馬良(マレオン・マー)の独特なアーティスティックな視点を結びつけることでした。マレオン・マーはスタジオの中で入念に演出された彼の想像的で演劇的な写真で知られていました。彼の不条理な視覚的物語とサイケデリックなイメージは通常、彼自身ではなく、役者やモデルやギャラリーなどの他者を起用しています。これとは正反対に、ベルゲンを拠点とするアーティストのTonjeは、実際の自然世界を彼女の舞台として使い、忘れられた過去の女性の探検家の姿を具体化させることで、歴史的な男性中心主義の物語に挑んでいます。
その2人のアーティストたちは実際に会って、一緒に作品制作をする予定でしたが、残念ながら、COVID-19の大流行とそれに伴う渡航制限により、物理的に会って一緒に仕事をするという計画は阻止されました。しかし、こうした障害にも怯まず、本という形で、出会いの場を作り出しました。「Lens and Landscape」は、彼らの創造的な出会いの具現化として、2人のアーティストの最も重要な作品とともに、2人のアーティストの会話を掲載しています。
「Lens and Landscape」は物理的な障壁を超え、Tonje Bøe Birkeland と 馬良 の親密で芸術的なマインドを垣間見る機会を与えています。この革新的な本を通して、彼らのユニークな視点と創造的なビジョンが交錯し、たとえ逆境に直面しても、アートは距離を超えた繋がりを構築し、人々を結びつけることができることを証明しています。
Lens and Landscape is a photo book (or, strictly speaking, a pair of photo books) by Shanghai-based photographer Maleonn Ma (b.1972) and Bergen-based photographer Tonje Bøe Birkeland (b.1985). They were supposed to meet each other and work together, but due to the pandemic, they haven’t had the chance to meet yet. The book contains a conversation between the two artists and their most important works. They discussed five topics, from more general ideas about photography and identities to their favourite stage prop - suitcases, and more personal topics, f.eg., parenting as an artist. In the end, they concluded the book with concerns and hopes for the future.
Their photographic works stand side by side on each four-page spread and, following their words, constitute a visual conversation.
Meleonn MA
Maleonn was born in 1972, Shanghai, China. He entered Shanghai Huashan Art School when he was 12 years old. He then went to Fine Art College of Shanghai University, majored in Graphic design. By 1995, he has completed his art study of 11 years. After graduation, he went into the world of advertisement and became a director of commercial filming. During this period of his career, he has won golden award of the China International Advertising Festival twice. In 2004, Maleonn quit his previous job and started his career as an artist, creating graphic art by the media of photography, as well as drawing and installation art. In 2012, Maleonn started his public art project, the Studio Mobile. He put his photo studio into two mini vans, and travelled through China for 10 months, taking free portraits for 1,600 strangers in 35 cities. The event has led to a nation-wide attention to this very artist, and created enthusiastic discussion on the internet. Maleonn now lives and works in Shanghai, China.
Tonje Bøe Birkeland
Birkeland was born 1985 in Bergen, Norway. She received her Master’s degree in Fine Art at Bergen Academy of Art and Design in 2012. She was awarded with the Hasselblad Foundation’s Victor Fellowship 2012 for her contribution Tuva Tengel (1901-1985) Letters from Mongolia exhibited as part of New Nordic Photography at Hasselblad Center, Gothenburg. Hasselblad Foundation’s Victor Fellowship sponsored her stay at International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in Brooklyn, New York. Recent shows include inner & Outer Landscapes by Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Darkness & Light at Scandinavia House, New York, Types and Archetypes at Galleri F15, Moss, Norway, Life is the Only Way at Bontelabo, Bergen, Norway and Character # IV Anna Aurora Astrup at fotogalleriet [format], Malmö, Sweden. The National Public Art Council Sweden, Nya Karolinska, Hasselblad Foundation and Preus Museum have Birkeland’s works in their collections.